Arizona Network

There is a growing group of End of Life Professionals, Death Doulas, Midwives, Home Funeral Guides and other Threshold Companions here in Arizona that educate and serve the communities around the state about conscious dying, natural death care, home funeral options and the vast possibilities around the sacred event of death. If you are interested in learning more or adding your name to the list, please contact

Here are sites with helpful local information:

Arizona Funeral Care and Resources

AZ Community Death Care

Doing Grief in Real Life

Estate Planning Attorney

Finding a “good fit” of a Death Midwife/Doula is important. Death is an intimate experience. Here are some others:

Sherry Majewski at Evolutionary Journeys

Kim Stravers at Night Rose Death Care

If we surrendered to the Earth’s intelligence
We could rise up rooted, like trees
— Rainer Marie Rilke

Death Midwives are educators and consultants. Crossing Threshold consultants are NOT acting as medical or funeral professionals or attorneys. Information received from Crossing Threshold consultants, or from this website, should NOT be considered a substitute for advice of a medical or funeral professional or lawyer. Crossing Threshold does NOT provide any medical, funeral director nor legal advice.